Category: K12

Lesson designs: K4

Through my undergrad in Educational Studies, I focused on Special Education and Elementary Education. I had full semesters of assessment writing, research, diversity and inclusion, and reaching all learners through learning theories and multiple modalities. Below are some examples of lessons created during this time. When I moved into my Masters in Learning and Technology, […]

Research: The Crash of Public Education

Public schools are stuck in the storm. Both mysterious and multifaceted, the lightning and thunder act together and apart. The people are divided. Administrators are divided. Policies are misconstrued and lend to more pressure and a deeper divide. And, every side is claiming to battle for student success. Who gets left out in the rain? […]

Research: Inquiry Meets Technology

The purpose of this study was to determine if the implementation of Achieve3000 Intensive Intervention (inquiry-based lesson) would have an impact on the reading comprehension of high school students in the Special Education English Language Arts instructional setting. Theproblem is that High School students in the Special Education ELA (English Language Arts) instructional setting demonstrate […]