Category: Informational Writing

E-learning Course: Technostress

Project Title Technostress: Afflicted by Advancement Tools used in Development Articulate Storyline, Pixabay, Wellsaid Labs Time in Development Research, Outline, Script, Storyboard, and Articulate Storyline V1: About 25 hoursV2: Removed academic references and increased engagement Client Self, Portfolio Collaborators Awesome coaching for V2 by IDOL Academy Coaches V2 Technostress Course V1 Technostress Course Outline Script […]

Project Management: Architectural RFP Project Proposal

As Marketing Director for Somerville Architects, one of my responsibilities was to manage the entire RFP submittal process. This included interviewing SMEs from multiple architectural and engineering firms (both in-house and in different geographical regions) to glean pertinent information to fit the criteria of RFPs. This also included copywriting and editing, architectural photography coordination, past […]

Research: The Crash of Public Education

Public schools are stuck in the storm. Both mysterious and multifaceted, the lightning and thunder act together and apart. The people are divided. Administrators are divided. Policies are misconstrued and lend to more pressure and a deeper divide. And, every side is claiming to battle for student success. Who gets left out in the rain? […]

Research: Training teachers for Project-based learning

The purpose of the research study is to learn of the successful and unsuccessful attempts at training teachers in the implementation of project-based lesson delivery. This will show any gaps in current teacher professional development training and resources pertaining to it. Further, research related to the increased demand placed on teachers due to barriers (increasing […]

Research: Inquiry Meets Technology

The purpose of this study was to determine if the implementation of Achieve3000 Intensive Intervention (inquiry-based lesson) would have an impact on the reading comprehension of high school students in the Special Education English Language Arts instructional setting. Theproblem is that High School students in the Special Education ELA (English Language Arts) instructional setting demonstrate […]